Fourth week November 2022

All parishioners are invited to the First Friday Parish Holy Hour which will be held on 2nd December at 3:15 PM. On the same day, Fr. Francis will be celebrating his Birthday. Please include his intentions in your prayers.
The Feast of St. Francis Xavier

The Feast of St. Francis Xavier will be celebrated by the Konkani Community on Friday, 2nd December at 8:30 AM in Sacred Heart Church Manama. The Novena in preparation for the Feast has already commenced on Wednesday, 23rd of November, and is being led by Fr. Clayton J. Fernandes from Goa, India.
Season of Advent
As we are in the Season of Advent, all parishioners are invited to make their Confessions while the priests are available in the confessionals.

Retreat in KONKANI
There will be a Charismatic Retreat in KONKANI conducted by Brother Prakash Dsouza from the Divine Mercy Konkani Charismatic Group – Bandra East from December 5th to 8th which is Monday to Thursday.
On the 5th until 7th of December, the retreat will be from 7 PM to 9 PM. The night vigil will be on December 8th, Thursday, from 7 PM to 2 AM. All Konkani-speaking Parishioners are requested to make time and attend this retreat for spiritual enrichment.
Gold-Plated Coin has been released
To mark the historic event of the visit of the Holy Father to the Kingdom of Bahrain, a commemorative gold-plated coin has been released depleting the Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia on one side and the portrait of the Holy Father on the other. As this is a limited edition, all parishioners are urged to avail of this unique memorabilia while stocks last.
Souvenir Book
It is not too late to participate in the Souvenir Book which is being released to mark the visit of the Holy Father, and will be distributed worldwide. For further details, please visit our Parish Office located at the ground of the cathedral.
Mass intentions and donations
Please be advised that all Mass intentions and donations will be accepted at the Cathedral’s Office