Lenten Season ...

The Lenten Season will start on 22nd February, Ash Wednesday,a day of fast and abstinence.Ashes will be blessed and distributed at every mass on this day
On Ash Wednesday, 22nd February,we will have English Mass in the morning at 6:30 AM andin the evening at 7:00 PM.There will be no Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour on this day. Fast and Abstinence is to be observedand is limited to individuals between 21 to 60 years old
Lenten Alms Envelopes will be distributed on Ash Wednesday. The Proceeds will go to the campaign of Hunger and Thirst. You may take one envelope per family and return it with your contribution. You can drop it in the box located at the door-reception area of the Cathedral, on or before Palm Sunday.
During Lent, the Way of the Cross will be held every Wednesday6:30 PM and Saturday6:30 PM.