The joy and gratitude …
Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

The joy and gratitude we experienced on the first day of our catechism were immeasurable, starting from the small, scattered and stuffed classes to a spacious place. The Lord is indeed merciful!!
The excitement to welcome children on campus after a 2 -years of hiatus was so rejuvenating and yet so overwhelming. The registration process correspondingly received a good response with many delighted faces of parents and children on commencing offline classes.

9:30am Children’s Holy Mass was celebrated and blessed with the presence of three priests received huge attendance. After mass, anxious little hands were guided grade-wise to their respective classes, while Fr. Saji made a special visit to greet them on their first day at class. The distribution of sweets at the end made the children smile ear to ear.

The day ended with a fulfillment, thanking and praising God for all the favors, gratitude and immense blessings that we have received. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in making this day eventful.